Agios Efpsychios
Agios Efpsychios Celebration Date: 07/09 Agios Eupsichios lived in the years of Julian the Transgressor. Although newly married, this did not prevent him from showing his great love for Christ in practice. In Caesarea ...
Read more→Agios Efpsychios Celebration Date: 07/09 Agios Eupsichios lived in the years of Julian the Transgressor. Although newly married, this did not prevent him from showing his great love for Christ in practice. In Caesarea ...
Read more→Celebration date: 18/12/2021 Saint Sebastian was born in Milan, Italy, between 250 and 256 AD. His parents raised him with great Christian diligence. As he was also of distinguished birth, he attracted the favor ...
Read more→Celebration date: 17/12/2021 Saint Dionysios was born in 1547 AD. in the village of Aigialos, Zakynthos. His common name was Draganigos or Gradenigos Sigouros (or Sikouros). His family was wealthy and owned a large ...
Read more→Celebration date: 16/12/2021 The biographical details of Saint Modestos are quite confusing. For example, his father Eusebius and his mother Theodouli from Sebastia in Palestine, they want them to die in prison under ...
Read more→Celebration date: 15/12/2021 Saint Eleftherios was born in the 2nd century AD in Greece (according to others in Rome) to wealthy parents. Then emperor was Commodus and Septinus Severus. Orphaned by his father, ...
Read more→Celebration date: 14/12/2021 Saints Thyrsos, Lefkios and Kallinikos (according to others Koronatos) lived in the middle of the 3rd century AD. They came from Bithynia and lived in Caesarea and all belonged to ...
Read more→Celebration date: 12/12/2021 Holiday type: Special calculation. It is celebrated on the Sunday between December 11 and 17 each year. The Fathers of the Church, designated the Sunday before the Sunday before the ...
Read more→Celebration date: 11/12/2021 Someone somewhere wrote the following very correct. “All Saints are admirable, but not imitable…”. Many of them, and even the Saints, undertook and performed paradoxes, all of which are of ...
Read more→Celebration date: 10/12/2021 Minas was an Athenian and from a pagan family. But when he was trained and educated enough, he found that polytheism was rather a lie and a delusion. In the ...
Read more→Conception of Saint Anne It is celebrated every year on December 9 The Gospels, nor the rest of the books of the New Testament, do not mention anything about the mother of the Virgin ...
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